Some Types of Diamonds Apart from Red Diamonds

Did you know that there are many types of diamonds, ranging from White Diamond, Yellow Diamond, to Synthetic Diamond.

1. White Diamond

The first diamond that is included in the list of the best types of diamonds according to CekAja is the White Diamond.

For those of you who don't know, this is one of the most abundant types of diamonds in the world. This is because white diamonds are often used as gemstones in wedding rings.

Not only that, white diamonds are also often used as special gifts for loved ones.

It should also be noted, that the shape and size of these diamonds are very diverse, so they can be adjusted to your taste.

2. Yellow Diamond

The next types of diamonds, namely Yellow Diamond. This diamond, also known as the Canary Diamond, has a yellow color, which is often interpreted as a symbol of eternal happiness.

Although Yellow Diamond has a yellow base color, the overall yellow color of this diamond is very diverse, ranging from light yellow to more intense canary yellow.

But make no mistake, the darker the yellow color of this diamond, the higher the price. So, what kind of yellow diamond would you give to your loved one?

3. Orange Diamond

Taking the third position in the list of diamond types, the Orange Diamond is known as a diamond that symbolizes success and creativity.

The striking orange color that it has, of course, really attracts the attention of women. Moreover, the choice of colors presented is very large, ranging from fancy orange to vivid orange which is more concentrated and striking.

4. Purple Diamond

In fourth place is Purple Diamond. By definition it seems clear, that this one diamond has a charming purple color.

Moreover, purple is one of the original colors of diamonds that are not man-made. Therefore, these diamonds are not easy to find anywhere.

One of the few mines in the world that produces purple diamonds is the Argyle Mine in Australia.

5. Green Diamond

Which of you has seen, or even owned, a Green Diamond? If not, let's get acquainted!

Green diamond is a green diamond from the Kollur mine which is very rare in the world. The Kollur Mine is a mine in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India.

Although this diamond has the name green diamond, the Green Diamond has two very famous colors, namely Aurora Green and Dresden Green.

6. Champagne Diamonds

This one diamond is called the Champagne Diamond, because it has a color similar to champagne, namely brown.

However, diamond champagne colors are very diverse, because they have different intensities, ranging from soft to intense colors.

7. Pink Champagne Diamond

Even though they both have champagne names, Pink Champagne Diamond has a very beautiful secondary pink color.

Therefore, do not be surprised if the diamond, which at first glance looks similar to this ordinary diamond, is very popular with women.

If you are one who is also interested in the Pink Champagne Diamond, then you need to prepare a very large budget, because this diamond is sold at a much higher price than ordinary champagne diamonds.

8. Blue Diamond

Diamonds are known to have a very expensive price. However, Blue Diamond is one of the most expensive types of diamonds.

This is because, Blue Diamond is very rare in the world. It is evident from the many experts who develop special ways, to create a diamond duplication that closely resembles the real blue diamond. The various types of colors that this blue diamond has, ranging from sky blue to sapphire blue.

9. Black Diamond

Besides having a very beautiful, shiny and elegant appearance, Black Diamond is also one of the strongest diamond stones in the world.

This stone, which is found in alluvial deposits in the Central African Republic and Brazil, basically has a natural black or dark gray color.

So do not be surprised, if given the name Black Diamond, or also often referred to as Carbonado.

10. Synthetic Diamond

The last types of diamonds, namely Synthetic Diamond. As the name suggests, this is a man-made diamond, which also has a very high price.

This type of diamond, actually comes as an alternative for those of you who may not have enough money to buy real diamonds, you can buy these synthetic diamonds.

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