Easy Method of Memorizing Japanese Letters (Hiragana & Katakana)

It is not easy to learn Japanese characters which have 3 letter forms which are used for different purposes. Japanese writing is divided into three:
  • Kanji characters (漢字) originating from China
  • Hiragana (ひらがな) and characters
  • Katakana (カタカナ);
Many people are already dizzy when they first want to learn Japanese letters even though learning Japanese letters is not as complicated as they think. For beginners, usually in Japanese language schools students will be taught 2 Japanese letters first, namely hiragana and katakana.

Before mentioning the easy memorization method, we should first know what hiragana and katakana are used for:

Uses of Hiragana

  • Write word endings (okurigana, ). Example: okuru (to send) is written: . The ones in bold print are okurigana.
  • Write adverbs (adverbs), some nouns (nouns) and adjectives (adjectives).
  • Words whose Kanji writing is unknown or has not been used for a long time.
  • Writing children's reading materials such as text books, animations and comics (manga).
  • Writing furigana, also known as rubies, is small text above the kanji, which indicates how a word is read. For example:

勉強 する

Uses of Katakana

In modern Japanese, katakana is most often used for the transcription of words from foreign languages ​​(besides historical words imported from China), called gairaigo. For example, "television" is written terebi (テレビ). Similarly, katakana is usually used for the names of foreign countries, foreign places, and foreign personal names. For example, the United States is usually referred to as (america).

This quick method of memorizing Japanese letters is actually easy to do, all that is needed is sincerity (strong intention), pencil and paper. Why is that ? because to memorize Japanese letters we have to memorize shapes, sequences of scribbles and sounds, basic hiragana and katakana each have 46 letters (not including letter combinations), of course it is quite difficult to do for people who do it half-heartedly.

The best way to memorize is to write, there is no need to rush to memorize quickly but be diligent in writing repeatedly from AIUEO to N (the last letter). And try to do a guessing game and if possible invite it with your friends. That way alone you can memorize hiragana and katakana letters in less than 2 weeks, namely by writing and focusing.

But there is still the last method, namely learning with applications, because I'm sure you hold your smartphone more often than pencil and paper, this method will be more effective. The application that I recommend is Hiragana Katakana (Indonesia), this application is quite complete and practical for memorizing because it provides a sequence of strokes, sounds, and features for writing letters. This application can be downloaded in the playstore via the following link HIRAGANA KATANA.


The method above comes from my personal experience and I managed to memorize the letters of hiragana and katakana in less than 2 weeks. Even this method was successfully carried out by my friend and managed to memorize hiragana and katakana in just one week. Once again intention is the main capital, (ganbatte Kudasai)...

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