How to Distinguish Real and Fake Gold

It is common for gold to be one of the most promising and minimal risk investment options, it turns out that you also have to remain careful and must know how to distinguish real and fake gold so as not to be deceived, as we will discuss in this article.

Follow how to check real and fake gold below

There are several ways you can do to distinguish real and fake gold to avoid fraud.

1. Gold Physical Check

The first way you can try to distinguish the authenticity of gold is to recognize its physical form, on real gold there is a stamp that indicates the amount of gold content.

Usually distinguished by the carat unit with the numbers 10K, 18K, 24K and others, K is the term for Carat.

2. Check Gold Color

The second way is to look at the color by rubbing it into the palm of the hand and see if the color fades or remains the original color.

If the color changes, it is very likely that the gold is fake, because real gold will not change its color when you rub it.

3. Bite Gold

By biting the surface of the gold, you can tell the difference between real and fake gold.

If the surface of the gold you bite leaves a mark, you can be sure it is real gold, because gold is a precious metal that is soft and easy to shape.

However, in some cases, fake gold is also made of tin, and tin is also a soft metal. So you still have to be careful and don't be in a hurry when buying gold.

4. Use Magnets

Gold is a non-magnetic metal, so if you bring it close to a magnet, gold will not be attracted or pushed (it doesn't cause any reaction).

Well, if the gold that you put close to the magnet causes a movement reaction, you can be sure it is fake gold.

5. Tap with Coins

The next way to find real gold is to tap it with a coin and listen to the sound it makes.

If the sound makes a long ringing sound, then it can prove it is real gold, because fake gold only makes a short shrill sound.

6. Scratch onto Ceramic

The next step is to scratch the gold onto the ceramic surface, real gold if you scratch it on the ceramic won't leave any marks.

But you need to know that this method is quite risky to physically damage gold.

7. Check The Nearest LM Boutique

If in the area you live there is an Antam LM Boutique, you can ask the officers for help to see the authenticity of the gold you are going to buy, and see the gold content.

Antam LM's boutique staff are certainly familiar and professional in determining the authenticity of gold.

8. Check with the CertiEye App

Since we live in the era of technology, now there are applications that can be used to check the authenticity of gold only with a smartphone.

You can download this application on the PlayStore and AppStore, by matching the barcode on the gold wrapper of Antam's new model.

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