The "drama" that has taken place on Twitter since the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk, has not ended. Some time ago, Musk sent an ultimatum to Twitter employees, asking them to work harder than before or resign if they don't like it. The ultimatum was distributed to Twitter employees in an e-mail on Wednesday (16/11/2022). Employees are given a deadline of one day (24 hours) until Thursday (17/11/2022) to provide answers.
According to the latest news, Twitter employees gave an unexpected response. They are called against and rebel against Musk's ultimatum by resigning or resigning in congregation. There is no definite information about the number of employees who decided to resign. According to The Verge's report, there were hundreds of Twitter employees who resigned simultaneously, as a form of refusal of Musk's ultimatum asking to work harder for the company.
Those who resigned reportedly said goodbye to each other on the Slack channel. One of the employees who decided to resign told The Verge that the Twitter platform was on the edge. "It feels like everyone who made this place (Twitter) great, left," said one employee, whose identity was not disclosed. "It will be difficult for Twitter to recover from this slump, no matter how hard the efforts of those who stay afloat," said another employee who also declined to be identified.
Many important people who resigned Of the many who chose to resign, some of them were reportedly important people who took care of the internal system at Twitter so that it ran smoothly. That said, Musk had held a limited meeting with these people. In this meeting, Musk reportedly had "softened".
It was not stated whether the employees whom Musk met still chose to resign or did not resign and continued to work at Twitter. What is clear is that shortly after the ultimatum deadline given by Musk ended, Musk reportedly immediately implemented a new "policy" that was effective until Monday (21/11/2022).
The policy will reportedly block all employee login access to any Twitter office until Monday next week. It is not explained why Musk did this. However, information circulating states that Musk's decision was made because he was worried that Twitter employees, perhaps the important people earlier, would carry out acts of sabotage against Twitter.
Despite blocking office logins, Musk has yet to remove access and Twitter employees' accounts after the ultimatum was given. This is because he and his team are said to be collecting data on anyone who agreed with his ultimatum earlier, as well as anyone who disagreed and chose to resign, before the employee was deactivated from the database. You have to work hard. As mentioned above, the "wave" of this resignation occurred after Musk gave an ultimatum that employees had to answer as of Thursday afternoon local time yesterday.
In the ultimatum, Musk emphasized that those who are still working at Twitter today, or those who have not been affected by layoffs, must submit to new, more "harsh" work environment rules. "To make Twitter a competitive company, we have to work harder. This means that working hours at Twitter will be longer, and the workload will also be more and more," Musk said in a letter, as reported by CNBC and quoted by KompasTekno, Friday (18/11/2022). In the same letter, Musk gave his employees two choices, namely agreeing to a tougher and stricter work environment policy, or resigning.
In addition to the ultimatum, Musk also sent several letters to superiors with managerial positions that they must meet with their subordinates once a week, or at least once a month. Then, managers will also be fired immediately if it is discovered that their subordinates are working from home, especially if these subordinates are not performing well.
Regarding work time, the Twitter team also provided a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page for employees to clarify the ultimatum that Musk gave earlier, as well as the fate of employees who agree or disagree with Musk. In the FAQ document, it is stated that employees who agree with Musk's ultimatum must attend and work from the office every day, unless there are obstacles such as illness, sudden important needs, and so on.
The exceptions will be closely monitored and must obtain approval from superiors in their respective divisions. While those who disagree must resign and will receive severance pay of at least three months' salary, as well as other benefits such as health insurance until January 31, 2023.